====== c-temp device firmware update (DFU) ====== This step by step guide shows how to update the firmware of the c-temp. In older firmwares (as used in this example) the c-temp is called "earconnect". The One can be updated in a similar fashion. **Prerequisites** * nRF Connect App * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=no.nordicsemi.android.mcp&hl=en_US|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=no.nordicsemi.android.mcp&hl=en_US]] * The c-temp firmware image as zip file. We will provide you this file upon request. **Instructions** Start by scanning for nearby Bluetooth devices with the nRF app by tapping on the "scan" button. Also activate the c-temp with a double tap and make sure that no other Bluetooth device is currently connected to the c-temp. {{ :public:01_ctemp_nrf_scan.png?nolink&400 |}} In the scan list you should find the the c-temp (or One) as "earconnect". On an Android phone it is also possible to determine the sensor by its MAC address. Then press the "connect" button. {{ :public:02_ctemp_nrf_scan_results.png?nolink&400 |}} When the device is connected, press the DFU symbol. (Compared to the Two, it is not necessary to bond the device before doing the DFU.) {{ :public:03_ctemp_nrf_connected.png?nolink&400 |}} Proceed with the "distribution pack (ZIP)" file option. {{ :public:04_ctemp_nrf_zip.png?nolink&400 |}} Choose the file manager and navigate to the firmware ZIP file and confirm. In case you are asked to unzip the file, then choose to not unzip it. {{ :public:05_ctemp_nrf_filemanager.png?nolink&400 |}} {{ :public:06_ctemp_nrf_selectfile.png?nolink&400 |}} Then the rest of the update happens automatically. {{ :public:07_ctemp_nrf_dfu1.png?nolink&400 |}} {{ :public:07_ctemp_nrf_dfu2.png?nolink&400 |}} {{ :public:07_ctemp_nrf_dfu3.png?nolink&400 |}} When the update has finished, the c-temp will shut down has to be activated again with a double tap. If something goes wrong, try to do the update again from the beginning.