====== Sensor Fitting ====== Document ID: 1639647771 ---- Change Description: ---- Reference Documents: ---- Person in Charge: Katharina Adams ---- Reviewer: ---- It is really important that the sensor is inserted correctly inside the ear canal. Please make sure that no light is shimmering out and that the ear hook is attached inside the ear cup. Please find below examples of how the sensor should be attached to the ear. \\ {{:public:three_right1.png?600|Correct sensor fitting}} {{:public:three_right.png?600|Correcht sensor fitting}} If you see light shimmering out of the ear it is probably the wrong sensor size or you have to push it a bit more inside the ear canal. Please don't insert the sensor as in the following examples. \\ {{:public:three_wrong1.png?600|Wrong sensor fitting}} {{:public:three_wrong.png?600|Wrong sensor fitting}}