Table of Contents

UDI and serial number

Document ID: 1637575939

Here you can find an overview of all devices regarding where the UDI (Unique Device Identification) is positioned and which part of the UDI contains the serial number. In general, the serial number consists of the last 6 digits of the UDI number. However, there are some notable device-specific differences in the layout and depiction of the UDI and serial number. These differences are illustrated below.

cosinuss° LabGateway

The UDI is located on the product label of the product packaging and can be found additionally on the bottom of the cosinuss° LabGateway receiver.



Number Definition
1 Country prefix
2 Manufacturer number
3 Article number
4 Check digit
5 Packaging index
6 Typ
8 Serial number

c-med° alpha

The UDI is located on the product label of the product packaging and can be found additionally on the charging box of the device.

Charging box label and packaging label (new version)




Part number Identifier Length Description
GTIN (country prefix, manufacturer number, article number, check digit) (1) 13+1 Contains information regarding the product and manufacture (+country) to identify the product worldwide
Manufacturing Date (11) 6 Format: yymmdd
Type (10) 4 Model of sensor device (e.g.: MS01)
LOT (10) 4 Identification to track production batch
Serial number (21) 6 Unique serial number

Charging box label and packaging label (old version)

The first prototype version of the c-med used a different label. This old and prior version of the label is presented down below.




Number Definition
1 Country prefix
2 Manufacturer number
3 Article number
4 Check digit
5 Packaging index
6 Typ
8 Serial number

cosinuss °Two, °One and °Temp

The UDI for these three devices is located on the product label of the device packaging.

Packaging label


Number Definition
1 Product Name
2 Product Suffix
3 Product description
4 Product Color and Size of Sensor head
5 GTIN Number
6 QR Code of Device Management System
7 Unique Device Identification (UDI)
8 Manufacturer Information
9 Production date


Number Definition
1 Country prefix
2 Manufacturer number
3 Article number
4 Check digit
5 Packaging index
6 Typ
8 Serial number

Serial number on the sensor


The UDI is located on the product label of the product packaging and can be found additionally on the charging box of the device.

Packaging label


Charging box label



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